A Flush and a Blush

July 25 2014

Creamy sex

When looking at a pretty woman from afar, a guy sees her as a sexy delicious bowl of ice cream, but as soon as he has to talk to her, she turns into a giant deadly spider. Spiders aren't so bad, and neither are women. Also, don't get confused by my analogy above; I don't (often) have sex with ice cream.

Today's comic is about poker in approximately the same way that Playboy's Playmate Calendar is about a bunch of dates. That is to say, I doubt any man who has ever looked at a Playmate calendar has even seen the half with numbers and days on it. If you're a fan of poker, you may be disappointed to find that the comic is more about an excuse to get women naked than it is about playing a strategic and exciting card game. But then, if you're a man who appreciates bluffing and betting more than beautiful breasts, you may be a compulsive gambler (although one who appreciates alliteration). The last time I played poker, I lost $20 and got stumbling drunk.

I would argue that there's quite a bit of excitement involved in trying to get a woman naked. A woman who wants to see a man naked only has to say, "Take off your clothes," or sometimes even just "hi." For a man it's a much more complicated process, often involving trickery and cajoling. Many times the result is a lowering of standards on the parts of both genders: Women settle for any man with a clever enough line, and men settle for any woman who....... well, for any woman. Quite often men would be able to attract a much higher caliber of woman simply by having standards that women must meet. Women, after all, prefer men who know what they want and aren't afraid to walk away. Women, similarly, would have a larger selection of quality men simply by taking some initiative for themselves. How often have I heard a woman say, "All my boyfriends have been assholes." Well, chica, it's because all the nice guys are at home playing World of Warcraft. And how often have I heard a man say, "yeah she was fat, but she gave great head." Well, if it's dark enough, it doesn't matter.

Many males are raised to believe that they have to trick a woman in order to get into her pants. The truth is, women love sex, even more than guys do. A man who wants ten orgasms usually has to have sex 10 times. A woman who wants ten orgasms only has to take a shower. If you don't know what that means, then you're too young and shouldn't be reading this. Anyway, the point is that you don't have to trick a woman to get her into bed. You only have to make her realize that you're better than her showerhead. For guys who have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry. "I won a million dollars playing poker last night," can be quite a powerful aphrodisiac too.

I'll see your wager and raise you a pair of pants.


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